Confused by the premise of the site? Here are the answers to a few common questions:


Wait, why is everything sold out?

At Tiris Manor, we believe in the beauty of the rare and fleeting. Each piece is carefully chosen, crafted, or found in small batches, ensuring that what you bring home feels as unique as stepping into the Manor itself.

How do I know when the next drop is happening?

The Manor doesn’t follow a calendar—it follows discovery. When something extraordinary finds its way here, you’ll be the first to know. Sign up, and you won’t miss a thing.

Why do you only offer small batches?

At Tiris Manor, every piece is carefully chosen, like a rare find in a hidden room. These small batches allow us to focus on quality and make each item feel truly special—something you won’t stumble upon anywhere else.

Will something that sold out come back?

Not always. Once an item leaves the Manor, it may not return. But that’s part of the magic, isn’t it? What’s here now might be gone tomorrow—meant for those who find it in time.

Can I reserve an item?

The Manor’s treasures are first come, first served—rare things can’t be held for long. Keep your notifications on, so you’re always ready when something new arrives.